School/College Management Software

Best School – College Management Software in Bangladesh. Call: 01759 568080

Dynamic School/College Management Software Bangladesh

GloriousIT School/College Management Software Bangladesh provides user-friendly dashboards with login access for teachers, staffs, students, parents and management personnel of your institution. The various modules available in here facilitate all the processes of your institution, from the admission of new students to generating transfer certificates when students complete their studies. GloriousIT School – College Management System Bangladesh has modules to manage Timetable, Attendance, Examinations, Grade books, Campus News, Hostel, Library, Transportation, School Calendar, Events and many more.

Features of School/College Management Software

Dynamic Dashboard:

  • Monthly Fees Collection
  • Monthly Expenses
  • Total Students, Teachers, Accountants
  • Total Librarian, Receptionist & Admins
  • Fees Collection & Expenses Chart Monthly
  • Calendar, Note and Appointments

Front Office

  • Admission Inquiry
  • Visitor Book
  • Phone Call Log
  • Postal Dispatch
  • Postal Receive
  • Complain Listing

Student Admission

  • Student Admission
  • Admission Form
  • Upload Documents
  • Add Siblings
  • Import Students

Student Information

  • Student Details
  • Guardian Report
  • Student History
  • Student Categories
  • Disabled Students

School Accounts

  • Collect Fees
  • Fees Statement
  • Balance Fees Report
  • Fees Master Setup
  • Fees Types, Group
  • Fees Discount Setup

Income Module

  • Add Income
  • Search Income
  • Income Head
  • Income List

Expenses Module

  • Add Expense
  • Search Expense
  • Expense Head
  • Expense List

Students Attendance

  • Student Attendance
  • Attendance By Date
  • Attendance Report

Examinations Module

  • Exam List
  • Exam Schedule
  • Marks Register
  • Marks Grade

Academics Management

  • Add Class Timetable
  • Assign Class Teacher
  • Assign Subjects
  • Promote Students
  • Class, Subjects, Sections

HRM Module

  • Add & View Staffs
  • Staff Attendance
  • Payroll Management
  • Leave Management
  • Department, Designations

Communication Module

  • Notice Board
  • Send Message
  • Send Email / SMS
  • Email / SMS Log

Homework & Assignments

  • Add Homework
  • Evaluation Report
  • Assignments
  • Study Material
  • Add Syllabus

Library Management

  • Add Book
  • Book List
  • Issue Return
  • Add Student

Inventory Management

  • Issue Item
  • Add Item & Stock
  • Item Category
  • Item Store
  • Item Supplier

Transport Management

  • Routes
  • Vehicles
  • Assign Vehicle
  • Student Transport Report

Hostel Management

  • Hostel Rooms
  • Room Type
  • Hostel
  • Student Hostel Report

Certificate Module

  • Student Certificate
  • Generate Certificate
  • Student ID Card
  • Generate ID Card

Report Management

  • Student Report
  • Guardian Report
  • Student History
  • Student Login Credential
  • Fees Statement
  • Balance Fees Report
  • Transaction Report
  • Payroll Report
  • Staff Attendance Report
  • Evaluation Report
  • Student Transport Report
  • Student Hostel Report
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