Inventory Management Software

Inventory Management Software for your Business. Call: 01759 568080

Best Inventory Management Software in Bangladesh

Accounting & Inventory Software is an important tool for any business as small, medium, or corporate businesses. Most small business owners prefer to spend most or most of their time providing products or services to their customers instead of creating invoices or financial reports. GloriousIT, one of the best software development company in Bangladesh are providing high-quality accounting software solutions are very useful for business owners.

Business accounting software helps financial management. It tracks the money you owe.

  • Billing & Invoicing features
  • Perfect for all type of businesses
  • Easy, simple Accounting & Inventory software

Features of Inventory Management Software

Attractive Dashboard

  • Daily sales details
  • Monthly & yearly sales report
  • Total revenue, cost, tax details
  • Latest order details
  • Recently added Product
  • Store summary eg: Total Product, Order, Invoice, Customer
  • Multiple Branch accounts reports

Purchase Manager

  • Add new supplier
  • Manage all supplier
  • Purchase product from supplier
  • Purchase invoice generate
  • Supplier history with purchase record

Customer Management

  • Add new customer
  • Manage all supplier
  • Manage your all customer
  • Customer discount setup

Product Management

  • Create product category/subcategory
  • Add product in store
  • Product general rate, special offer
  • Manage product inventory
  • Product barcode generate facility
  • Manage damage product
  • Damage product will auto deduct from inventory

Due Collection Management

  • Customer Due Adjustment
  • Customer Dues Collection
  • Pay Supplier Dues

Order Management

  • Add new order
  • Barcode scanner / search product by barcode number
  • You can select customer for new order procedure
  • If the customer has discount it will apply
  • Auto Tax/Vat calculation
  • Order and invoice number generate

Human Resource (HRM) Management

  • Employee Profile Management
  • Employee Payroll Management
  • Time-sheets & Attendance Management

System Administration

  • Multiple User access System
  • User profile setting
  • Id password change
  • Software Back System

Report Generate

  • Sales report generate
  • Daily, Monthly/Customize sales report
  • Purchase report generate
  • Transaction Report
  • Product Report
  • It will show your purchase history with supplier


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Trial Plan

$ 0 / Per month
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis dolor, quis vestibulum magna. Etiam pretium nec ipsum non pellentesqe puru.

Standard Plan

$ 5
/ Per month
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Nulla consequat varius arcu
  • Duis a nisl non enim efficitur
  • Etiam pretium nec ipsum
  • Suspendisse vestibulum ipsum

Unlimited Plan

$ 9
/ Per month
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis dolor, quis vestibulum magna. Etiam pretium nec ipsum non pellentesqe puru.
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