Real Estate and Property Management Software

Best Real Estate and Property Management Software of Bangladesh.
Call: 01759 568080

Best Real Estate & Property Management CRM in Bangladesh

This is a Real Estate CRM & Property Management Complete Solutions includes Property Website listing, Online Agent Login, Customer Login, Admin, Manager Login, Sales and Commission tracking to small and medium size Real Estate & Property Company.

  • Real Estate CRM
  • Property Management
  • Income & Expense Monitoring
  • Project Management
  • Daily, Monthly, Yearly Reports
  • 100% User-Friendly and Easy to Use

Features of Real Estate & Property Management Software

Dynamic Dashboard:

  • Total Properties
  • Total Expenses
  • Total Sales
  • Total Deals With Customer
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly Calendar Schedules
  • Chart Wise Report

Contact Management

  • Add New Contact
  • Customer Contacts List
  • Advance Search Option
  • Individual Customer View, Print
  • Customer Edit, Delete,  Updates

Purchases Management

  • Purchase List
  • Add New Purchase
  • Purchase Make Payment
  • Show Purchase Payment
  • Purchase View, Edit, Updates
  • Print Purchase Details

Property Management

  • Add New Properties
  • List of Properties
  • Property Types
  • Flats/ Apartments/ Lands
  • Project-based Properties
  • Availability Checker
  • Multiple Contract for Properties
  • Property Details Map, Plan, Documents

Leads/ Deals

  • Leads & Contact Manager
  • Leads Followup & Status
  • Deal Tracking
  • Leads & Deals Filters
  • Notification on Deshboard

Accounts & Invoices

  • Payments, Invoices & EMIs
  • Late Payment Penalty
  • Payment Type
  • Taxes & Discounts
  • Installment Plans
  • Demand Letters & Print

Expense & Inventory

  • Expense Category Setup
  • Inventory Category Setup
  • Vendor / Staff Management
  • Add New Expenses
  • All Expense List
  • Add New Inventory
  • All Inventory List

Email & SMS Module

  • Email Setting
  • Email Templates
  • Send Emails
  • SMS Setting
  • SMS Templates
  • Send SMS

Report Management

  • Purchase Report
  • Sales Report
  • Expense Report
  • Profit Report
  • Profit & Loss Reports
  • Monthly Reports
  • Reports Filters
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